The Dr David Thomas Award for outstanding contribution to 3rd level student health was awarded this year to Theresa Lowry Lehnen, the Nurse at South East Technological University Carlow Campus.
"Theresa has been working at SETU since 2008, and as the full-time nurse on the Carlow campus since 2014. Since commencing her post in student health, she has transformed the student health centre, and greatly enhanced the range and provision of medical/nursing services for students and the wider college community".
"As a registered nurse prescriber her ability to offer complete episodes of care is cost effective, reduces GP waiting time, and provides efficient timely interventions for students. This makes a real impact on many of the key challenges in student health and demonstrates the potential of advanced nursing practice and nurse prescribing in primary care".
"Theresa delivers minor illness, minor injury, chronic disease management, diagnostics, phlebotomy, immunisations, wound management, nurse prescribing, social prescribing services and health promotion initiatives. She carries out clinical audits and evaluation, research and develops practice protocols. She designs, implements and delivers health promotion interventions and workshops in student health and in the wider community. An active social prescriber, she is also involved in providing students with non-medical sources of support and interventions within the community to improve their physical, emotional and mental wellbeing".
"Theresa is an active member of the Irish Student Health Association, and held the role of PRO, Website and Social Media Officer from 2019 to 2023. She developed the Student Health Matters e-book and is the lead author of the Student Health Matters app for 3rd level students in Ireland."
"She received recognition in HPN ‘Professional 100’ 2023, and was awarded the IHCA 2023 ‘Nursing Project of the Year’ and ‘Student Intervention of the Year’ awards for her RNP delivered free contraception and sexual health services for 3rd level students at SETU Carlow."
"She has authored published books and is a regular contributor to medical, nursing and pharmaceutical Journals, with over 300 published clinical articles. Her academic work has been used to create CPD modules across the disciplines for doctors, nurses and pharmacy teams. Theresa is an educator, and leader in nurse education. In 2023, she was presented with the prestigious ‘Nurse Educator’ award at Trinity College by the Chief Nursing Officer of Ireland. This award was dedicated to a nurse who contributes as a leader in nursing education, and who has made a significant and note-worthy contribution to nursing and education."
Congratulations to Theresa, a worthy winner of the Dr David Thomas Award 2024.